Monday, June 13, 2016


Unemployment in reality is taken in sense of involuntary unemployment. Involuntary unemployment refers to a situation when people are willing to work at the prevailing wage rate. But they are unable to find the work.
Types of unemployment

  1. Cyclical unemployment
  2. Frictional unemployment
  3. Structural unemployment
  4. Open unemployment
  5. Disguish unemployment
  6. Educated unemployment

a.       Cyclical unemployment:
It is associated with the downsizing and depression phases of business cycle. During the downsizing and depression phase of business cycle income fall then aggregate demand also falls and output fall giving rise to widespread unemployment. It is caused by deficiency in aggregate demand.

b.      Fictional unemployment:
Frictional unemployment exists when there is lack of adjustment between demand and supply of labour force. People leave job for many reason and they take time to find new jobs because of lack of knowledge and mobility on part of the labour. This gives rise to temporary unemployment of those workers who are moving between jobs. Unemployment caused by movements of people from one job to another.

c.       Structural unemployment:
Unemployment in Nepal is basically structural in nature, which refers to a situation when a large number of persons do not get work because of limited job opportunities available. This is known as structural unemployment.

d.      Open unemployment:
Open unemployment refers to a situation when there are some workers who have absolutely no work to de. They are willing to work at the present wage rate but they are forced to remain unemployment in the absence of work.

e.       Disguish unemployment:
It refers to a situation when a person is apparently employment, but in fact is unemployed. It is not open for everyone to see. It remains canceled or hidden. This type of unemployment prevails mostly in villages.

f.       Educated unemployment:
It refers to the unemployment among the educated. Some of these people may be unemployed in the sense of open unemployment i.e. they are not doing any work whatever.

Keynesian theory of employment (Principle of effective demand)

 British economist J. M Keynes in 1930s developed macro economics as a field of economic analysis, different from micro-economics. Keynes propounded the theory of employment, which is also known as principle of effective demands. According to this theory unemployment arises due to the deficiency of effective demand and method to control unemployment is to raise effective demand. According to Keynes the level of employment in short run will depend on aggregate effective demand for goods and services in the country. Greater the aggregate demand greater will be the volume of employment and vice-versa. Total employment depends on total demand and unemployment is the result of a deficiency of total demand. Effective demand represents total money spends on consumption and investment.

  1. There is the existence of closed economy.
  2. There is operation of law of diminishing returns.
  3. Perfect competition market exists in the society.
  4. Less than full employment equilibrium is possible in short run time period.
  5. Labour supply in the economy is positively related to money wages.

Aggregate Demand Price / Function (ADP)
When the entrepreneur provides employment to the labour, they produce goods and services. The entrepreneur receives certain fixed amount of money from the sale of that product. Hence, the aggregate demand price refers to the receipt which all the entrepreneurs taken together expect from of the sale of the output. In brief, ADP means the expected price or income when certain volume of employment is given. The expected receipts are different to different level of employment. A schedule of receipts expected from the sale of output from various amount of employment is called aggregate demand function.

Aggregate Supply Price (ASP)
The entrepreneur should bear certain production cost when he gives employment to a fixed number of labour. Hence, he should get at least a minimum amount from the sale of output while giving employment. Therefore, ASP refers to the amount of money that the entrepreneur taken together must receive from the sale of output as given level of employment. In brief, ASP is the production cost of total output at a given level of employment.

The aggregate supply price is different at different level of employment. A schedule of minimum amount of receipts required to induce various quantity of employment is called aggregate supply 

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