Monday, June 20, 2016


 Meaning and Definition

oMarriage is the socially approved way of establishing  a family of procreation (breeding) (Gillan and Gillan).
oMarriage is a contract for the production and maintenance of  children ( Malinosky)
oMarriage is the relatively permanent bond  between permissible mates (Robert H. Lowie)
oMarriage is the public joining together , under socially specified  regulations  of a man and women as husband and wife (Alfred Mcclung Lee)
 Meaning and Definition
oMarriage is the socially approved way of establishing  a family of procreation (breeding) (Gillan
and Gillan).
oMarriage is a contract for the production and maintenance of  children ( Malinosky)
oMarriage is the relatively permanent bond  between permissible mates (Robert H. Lowie)
oMarriage is the public joining together , under socially specified  regulations  of a man and women as husband and wife (Alfred Mcclung Lee)


qRelationship between man and women
q Marriage bond is Enduring (permanent)
qMarriage requires social  Approval
qMarriage is associated  with some civil or religious ceremony
q Marriage creates mutual  obligation (contract)


q Regulation of sex life
qMarriage leads to  the establishment of  the family
qProvides for economic cooperation
qMarriage contributes the emotional and  Intellectual  Inter-stimulation  of the partners
qMarriage aims to social solidarity 
q One man marries one woman
qMost widespread form of marriage
q It has almost universal practice at present
qAncient Romans and Spartans had given recognition to it
q Ancient Hindus  regarded monogamy as the most ideal  form of marriage


qEndogamy is the rule of marriage in which life partners are to be selected within the group.
q Within the group we  mean the caste, class, tribe, race etc. we have caste endogamy, class endogamy, race endogamy etc.
q Example: Brahmin has to marry with Brahmin Newar has to marry with Newar (caste endogamy) etc.
qIt contributes to the group unity and solidarity
q it helps to  preserve group culture
q By dividing the society it strikes  at national unity
q By limiting the choice of life partners it may promote evil practices such as dowry system, bride price etc.


q Almost the opposite of endogamy
q Rule of marriage in which an individual has to marry outside his own group
qNear relatives are not supposed  to marry among themselves
qGotra Exogamy: one marring with outside one’s own gotra.
q Village Exogamy: many Indian tribes like Naga, Garo, Munda have the practice of marri
ng outsides the village
qPinda Exogamy: those belong to the same pinda or sapinda  can not marry within themselves.

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