Saturday, June 11, 2016

Contemporary Perspectives/Theories in Psychology

Contemporary Perspectives/Theories in Psychology

qStructuralism Perspective,
qFunctionalism Perspective
qGestalt Psychology
qBiological Perspective,
qCognitive perspective,
qBehavioral Perspective- Watson- learning Experience in Shaping Behaviour.
qPsychodynamic Perspective-Sigmund Freud-Emphasized on unconscious motives.
qHumanistic Perspective – Abrahm Maslow- freedom in controlling human behaviour.
qSocio-Cultural  Perspective
qEvolutionary Perspective

1.Structuralism (mental approach: Structure of mind , consciousness)

Wundt germinated structuralism but US psychologists Titchner developed this school of thought.
ØWoundt , Father of experimental Psychology , Regarded ,Psychology as the science of consciousness.
ØStructuralism believes that Consciousness is the present experience or the awareness of the individual.

2.Functionalism (mental approach: Function of mind)

Functionalism formed as a reaction to the structuralism and was heavily influenced by the work of William James .

Functionalists sought to explain the mental processes in a more systematic and accurate manner. Rather than focusing on the elements of consciousness, functionalists focused on the purpose of consciousness and behavior.
Or, Functionalism focus on how the mind functions to adapt with different environment.
James was concerned with what the mind could do rather than its structure. According to James, studying the elements of mind could tell us nothing about how it functions to meet the demands of life. 

James criticize Wundt’s Ideas of Introspection method to explore subjective world.

ØConsciousness is personal, Self reporting may be socially colored and not revealing the truth.
ØConsciousness is continuous and dynamic activity it cannot be broken into units for  study and we cannot bring the same state of mind again  and study.

3.Behaviorism psychology (S-R Psychology)

Structuralism and Functionalism were soon challenged by Behaviorism.
J.B Watson, Ivan Pavlov and B.F skinner are the behaviorist psychologists.
These psychologists defined psychology as the science of Behaviour.(Behaviour we show is the result of conscious attached with them)
They proposed that psychology should study the visible behaviour which can be felt and seen.The criticize abstract concept like mind and consciousness are unnecessary to study.
According to watson, “we cannot observe a sensation, feeling or, thought but we can observe peoples behavior as they respond to different situation”.
Watson explained psychology as “the positive Science of Behaviour”.
The definition proposed by behaviorist also has certain limitations.They only focused on observable behaviours and ignored the role of mental process.

4.Gestalt psychology (Early Cognitive approach)

ØGestalt is a German word that is translated as: whole ,form, pattern, configuration or organized structure in English.
ØDeveloped by Wertheimer, Kohler and Koffka.
They proposed that “ human are born with the ability to organize  the elements of our perceptual world by producing to best  or, most complete meaning of the environmental object”
ØThe Slogan of Gestalts ,"The whole is greater than sum of its parts.“
ØTheir main focus was on experience of perception and learning.

 5.Psychoanalytic /psychodynamic perspective (mental approach)

Sigmund freud developed this theory and he advocate that :
ØMind has three levels — consciousness, subconscious and unconscious
ØBehavior is largely guided by two basic instincts - life and death instinct.
ØHe emphasis that childhood is important in later personality development (the child is the father to the man)
ØThe root of psychological problems are motives of sexual and aggressive nature which stay at the unconscious level of  mind.
ØSometime these unconscious feelings reveal in different  symbolic ways ,such as: dreams, slips of tongue and  fainting spell .Sometimes psychological problems.
ØHe believes that behaviour is motivated /determined by inner forces(ID,Ego and super Ego) and conflicts about which are thought to be unconscious.

6.Humanistic Psychology

This Perspective is developed by Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers during 1950s and 1960s.
According to them each person is a unique individual and experience the world differently.
Humanists rejects
Ø The Freudian idea that personality is ruled by unconscious forces and
ØThe behaviorist idea that we are controlled by the environment.
8.The Physiological or Biological Perspective
The Contributor of this perspective is Lesley .
ØThis  perspective focus its attention on Biological Basis of Behaviour.
ØEvery Human Behaviour is related to physiological changes with in the body.(behaviour and mental process are determine by the function of Nervous system, hormones and neurotransmitter)
ØThis perspective also study Neurotransmitters- Chemical Substances that influence normal and Abnormal behaviour .
Ø(The working relationship between the body ,behaviour and mental process is main focus of biological perspective)
ØPhysiological  psychologists are focusing on the influence of heredity on personality characteristics and ability.\

9.Cognitive Perspective

George Miller and Jerome Bruner are contributor of this perspective.

Cognition is a mental process in which the information is obtained,

processed, transformed, stored, retrived and used.

ØIt examines thinking,

ØHelps to solve problems,

ØMake decisions,

ØCombine information from memory and current experience,

ØUse language, and communicate our thoughts to others.

11.Philosophical perspective (Soul/Mind) -

 During this period psychology was the major Branch of Philosophy.

Greek philosopher believes that soul is responsible for the mental activities

like: Thinking, feeling  etc

They also believes that soul also controls each and every action of 


Plato, Socrates and Aristotle were the famous philosophers, Who tried to

explain the nature of Soul and unconscious activities during sleep.(The

dream work, Fainting spell, Epileptic Fits were regarded as

expressionofsoul).Aristotle Life has no  meaning without soul , The heart is

the Seat of Soul. Heart and Soul are inseperarable

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