Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Methods of sociology (Scientific methods and limitations, sociology as a science)

Sociology has been trying  to develop its own method of study. Some key methods of  sociology  are listed below

1.The comparative method
2.The historical method
3.The statistical method
4.The case study method

5.The functional method (Functionalism)
6.  The scientific method
7.  Limitation of scientific method in sociology
8.  The scientific view point
9.  Sociology is a science
10.  The sociology point of view

 The Scientific Method

Any kind of science has its own method of study. So, being a  social science sociology has also specific scientific  methods for study
The scientific methods consists of certain steps which are described below
1.Formulation of the problem
A problem is the gap of knowledge, something not understood.
Problem may be simple or complex
Problem should define properly
The causal  observation and  an idea regarding the  existing amount of knowledge  on the particular issue may help to define  the problem properly.
2.Formulation of Hypothesis
Primary idea which guide us  in our study is the hypothesis
It is the tentative explanation of phenomenon
It is provisional ( temporary) supposition (belief)  which is not at proved  but is anticipated  to be correct.
Example : There will be significant differences across gender, ethnicity and year of
experiences  of leaders and their leadership in society.
3. Observation and collection of data
The formulated hypothesis will have to be tested.
For this it is necessary to  collect facts
In social investigation  data will be collected by  interview schedule, questionnaire, field observation etc.
4.Analysis and synthesis
After collecting the data they must be  processed and analyzed in order to  draw proper  inferences (conclusion )
In this step we should conduct classification of data i.e arranging the data in different groups as per their nature.
After  the data have been collected, processed and analyzed we have to draw board inferences or conclusions or generalizations.
6.Formulation of theory and law
When a scientist successes  in describing and explaining the relation between various facts he/she has formulated a theory.
When those facts have been tested  and accepted   by the scientist as a true mater then the theory may be properly regarded  as a law.
6. Problem of objectivity
There is the subjective nature of social phenomenon. The social researcher  or observer is also
a component of the society. so,  in the study there is the possibility of biasness .
In conclusion
  There is limitation of the scientific method of study of sociology. In addition to scientific
method sociology should adopt other method like comparative, statistically, social survey etc.
Sociology as a science
According to W.F.Ogburn an American, sociologist sociology is a science, according to him
science  is to be judged  by three criteria
1.The reliability of  its body of knowledge
2.The organization of knowledge  and,
3.its method
In order to judge  whether sociology is science or not, it is necessary to examine using above
three criteria
Scientific methods start with problem identification and  formulating hypothesis. We
adopt this method in sociology as well though experimentation of laboratory situation is dificult
in sociology.
In conclusion
Science is the method for discovering the truth. There are many methods and techniques in
sociology. If these are properly applied , sociology acts as a genuine science.

   Methods of Sociology

Comparative Method
In this method, different institutions are studied in various societies in the various points of
After the study, analysis and comparison is drawn to discover new facts or relations.
Thus it is a method of comparing various societies or groups within the same society to show
why they are similar or different in certain respects.
Historical Method
Historical method is that approach of study that draws our attention towards details of the past.
The classical sociologists did not have modern transport and communication system to visit
various places and naturally they had to rely more on written records than our actual
observation of the social phenomena.
Darwin’s theory of evolution and Karl Marx’s law of economic determinism are examples of
this method.
Statistical Method
Statistical method refers to the method that is used to measure social phenomena
Statistics include collection of numerical facts relating to any field of inquiry in a systematic
matter and their analysis and interpretation.
Case Study Method
The case study is a form of qualitative analysis. It involves very careful and complete
observation of a person, situation or institution.
The idea behind this method is that any case being studied is representative of many similar
cases and thus it makes generalization possible.
Functional Method
Functional method is based on an assumption that the total social system of the society is made
up of parts, which are interrelated and interdependent.It is believed that each part has the
specialized function and any one part of the social system can be understood only in its 
relationships with other parts as well as with the whole system.

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