According to Robert Bierstedt’s book “ The Social Order” following are the characteristics of sociology
I.Sociology is an independent science
•It is not the branch of any other social science.
II.Sociology is a social science
•It is the family member of social
•As a social science it concentrates on
human, his/her social behavior, social activities and social life.
•Sociology deals with the Social
Universe distinguishes it from physics, chemistry, mathematics, and other
physical science.
• III. Sociology is a categorical and not a normative discipline
•Sociology tells statements about what
is , not ‘what should be’ or ‘ought to be’
•It does not make any kind of value-
•It is ethically neutral
•It makes no recommendations on maters of social policy or legislation or program.
respects the social knowledge but can not deal with problem of good and evil, right and wrong or moral or
IV.Sociology is a pure science and not an applied science
•The main aim of pure science is the acquisition of knowledge. It does not worry about the use of
•The main aim of applied science is to apply the acquired into life
•Each pure science may have its own
applied field. E.g. physics is the pure science and engineering is its
applied field.
•Sociology as a pure science has its applied field such as administration, diplomacy
(international relations) social work etc.
V. Sociology
is relatively an Abstract science and
not a Concrete science
•Sociology is not interested in concrete
manifestation (demonstration) of human events
•It is more concerned with the form
of human events and their patterns. For
example, sociology is not concerned with
particular wars and revolutions but with war and revolution in general, as
social phenomenon, as types of social conflict.
•It is in this simple sense that sociology is an abstract not concrete
VI. Sociology
is a generalizing and not a
particularizing or individualizing
•It tries find out the general laws or principles about
human interaction and association, about the nature, form, content and structure of human groups and societies.
•It does not study each and every event
that take place in the society.
VII.Sociology is a general science and not a special social science
•It is concerned wit human interaction
and human life in general.
•Social sciences like economics,
political science concentrate their
attention on certain aspects of human
interaction and activities. E.g economics specifies itself in the study of
economic activities. Similarly, political science concentrates on political activities and so
• VIII.Finally sociology is both rational and empirical science.
•Rationalism , stresses reason and
theories that result logical inference
•Empiricism, is the approach that emphasizes experiences and facts that result from observation and
•The Empiricist collects facts ; the
rationalist co-ordinate and arrange
•Theories and facts are required
in the construction of knowledge.
in sociological inquiry both are
In conclusion
Sociology is an independent, a social, a
categorical, a pure , an abstract, both a rational and empirical and a
generalizing social science.
•Theories and facts are required
in the construction of knowledge
in sociological inquiry both are
In conclusion
Sociology is an independent, a social, a
categorical, a pure , an abstract, both a rational and empirical and a
generalizing social science.
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