•AugusteCompte (1798 -1857) was the citizen of Paris,
•He is popularly
known as the father of Sociology.
•His school of
thought was “positivism”.
•He coined the term
•Herbert Spencer
(1820 -1903) was born in England.
•His school of
thought was “Social Darwinism”.
• He created a
lengthy volume on sociology; applied Darwinian evolution to social life;
•and he coined the
phrase "survival of the fittest".
Herbert Mead
•George Herbert Mead
(1863 – 1931) was born in Chicago, Illinois.
•His School of
thought was symbol interactionism.
• He advocated
pragmatism which means what works.
•Karl Marx (1818 -1883) was born in Germany.
•His school of though was socialism; conflict theory.
•He explained the origins and functioning of Capitalism.
• He also advocated socialism; argued that the history of all societies
is rooted in class conflict.
•Max Weber (1864 -1920) was born in Germany.
• He is well known for several books, including The Prote
stant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
stant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
•He is famous for Weberian bureaucracy.
Emile Durkheim
•David Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) was French sociologist.
•His school of thought was functionalism; solidarism.
• He is famous for several books,
•including: Suicide, The Elementary Forms of Religious Life; The Division
of Labor in Society.
• He started the first journal of sociology.